About MBA
IIM Admission Criteria
B-School Selection
MBA Entrances National Level

The choice of exams will typically depend on the business school you aim to attend. However, sometimes the connection is not so straightforward. You can also discover promising business schools through their entrance exams. Read more to learn how.
The following things should be considered while looking for the B-schools to apply to:
Expected Performance In The Entrance Exams
Based on your current level of preparation and the amount of time and effort you are willing to invest, you should estimate the score range you can achieve in the main exam. When choosing business schools to apply to, consider applying to about 60% of schools within your expected performance range (realistic scenario), about 20% of schools in the range just above your expected performance (optimistic scenario), and the remaining 20% in the lower range (pessimistic scenario).
Converting AIMCAT Percentiles to Actual CAT Percentiles:
Although a simple linear formula to convert AIMCAT percentiles to CAT percentiles might seem useful, various factors make such conversions complex:
- Your CAT percentile is influenced not only by your preparation level but also by how you handle the 120-minute test pressure. A few additional correct answers can significantly affect your percentile. AIMCATs reflect your preparation level at a given time but may not fully capture the seriousness of your approach.
- As AIMCATs progress, more top performers tend to participate, while less competitive candidates might drop out. Thus, even though the number of test-takers remains constant, competition intensifies with each test.
- Determining your true performance in AIMCATs is challenging—whether a 98 percentile from one test or an 85 percentile from another is more accurate depends on the recency of the performance and the progression in your preparation.
Generally, if you perform at your best during the exam, you can expect to score several percentile points higher than your highest AIMCAT score. The expected improvement is around 5-8 points, 10-15 points, or 15-20 points, depending on whether your highest AIMCAT score is in the 90s, 80s, or 70s, respectively.
Availability of Alternatives
The number of B-schools you need to apply to depends on your enthusiasm for pursuing an MBA and how urgently you need to get into a B-school. Here is how it breaks down for three different categories of students:
- Pursuing final year of graduation: If you are keen on getting into a management institute but can afford to try again next year if needed, apply selectively. Consider your placement prospects and the nature of the organization you might join. Remember, "You do your MBA only once. Aim for the top B-school you can."
- Completed graduation and not involved in full-time work: Apply to a mix of top, average, and lower-tier institutes. It is wise to include some additional applications to schools that might be less ideal.
- Working professional: If employed, consider your desired post-MBA placement level, fee discounts, and how keen you are to switch fields. Apply only to institutes that meet your return on investment criteria.
Reservation Status:
Many B-schools offer reservations based on caste, religion, domicile, and family background. Check if you are eligible for any reservations and apply accordingly. Here are some guidelines:
- The cutoff for reserved categories is generally lower than for the general category at IIMs and other B-schools with reservation policies.
- Government or state university-run B-schools follow government reservation norms. Some private institutes also have reservations.
- Visit the website of each B-school to confirm their reservation policies if you are unsure.
Click here for reservation policies of B-schools in India
Sectoral Programmes:
Applications to sectoral programme B-schools are usually fewer than to general MBA programmes.
- Look for sectoral programmes that are sufficiently broad. For example, Human Resource Management is sectoral but offers good placement prospects. A programme that is too niche may limit your options if you want to switch fields later.
- Even B-schools offering general MBA programmes have sectoral options. Check the details. For example, NMIMS has a Banking programme, and MDI offers HR Management.
Click here for the admission process of various B-schools in India
Regular MBA (PGP or MBA) vs. Executive MBA vs. One-Year MBA vs. FPM:
- PGP and MBA have no difference in placements. Generally, university-affiliated programmes offer an MBA, while autonomous institutes offer PGPM/PGDM. IIMs offer PGDM.
- Executive MBAs are suitable for candidates with at least 3 years of experience who do not need much placement assistance.
- One-year MBAs are offered by ISB, Hyderabad, IIMs, XLRI Jamshedpur, SPJain Mumbai, and Great Lakes, Chennai. They are notable for their reputation and the advantage of saving a year.
- FPM (Fellowship Programmes in Management) are 3-year programmes ideal for those pursuing a Ph.D. in Management or teaching roles. Job prospects differ from regular MBA programmes.
Click here for a detailed comparison of MBA programmes in India
Many management institutes claim 100% placement records. With the growing number of institutes, such claims should be scrutinized carefully.
Click here for details on final/summer placements at top B-schools in India
With application fees ranging from Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 per institute, it’s advisable to limit your applications to about 10-12 institutes. Selecting a diverse range of institutes is a good practice. Remember, exams like CAT, XAT, CMAT, SNAP, MAT, and ATMA are comprehensive, requiring separate applications for each. Factor in the cost of applying. Conversely, IIFT, TISSNET, NMAT, and MICAT are specific to particular institutes.
Your Strength Areas
By the end of the year, you might choose from 12 B-school entrance exams:
- Exams for multiple institutes: CAT, XAT, SNAP, CMAT, MAT, ATMA
- Exams for specific institutes (which may have multiple campuses): IIFT, TISSNET, NMAT, MICAT, IBSAT
While CAT prep covers many exams, each has its own nuances. For example:
- XAT includes a Decision Making section
- TISSNET has a relatively easier test
- IIFT features a calculation-intensive paper with a challenging general awareness section
- CMAT is relatively easy and offers access to a broad range of B-schools
Identify the exam where you are likely to perform best and apply accordingly.